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Site Settings

The site settings section in the Showit platform and what functions you can access there

Jeff Willems avatar
Written by Jeff Willems
Updated over 10 months ago

You're probably already familiar with the Design Settings in the Site Tab in the left side Site Panel inside of Showit. Now let's talk about the Site Settings found in that same section.

Access Your Site Settings

First make sure you have the Site Tab selected in the left side Site Panel, then click Site Settings.

Your Site Settings menu will look like this:

1) Site Info Tab

Here you can adjust your domain and favicon settings.
A) Site Name: Your site name, this setting will change the site name that appears in the top left corner of your Showit site on the back end, this is not where you would set your site title for SEO purposes.
B) Custom Domain: Here is where you will click edit to select your custom domain.

Note: If your domain is not yet available, see how to get that setup here.

Putting in a domain setup request will effectively point your domain to Showit and away from whatever might currently be at your domain. Be sure you are ready to launch or have a landing page ready before putting in that request if you have a site currently at your domain.

C) Favicon: This is where you can set the favicon for your website.
D) Vanity URL Slug: Your vanity URL is only for previewing your site before it is live, you can customize it if you wish but it isn't necessary.

E) Site Language: Here you can set your site's default language tag with the HTML language attribute.

F) Publish URL: This is the URL at which your live Showit site will appear.

G) Preview URL: You can use this URL to view a preview version of your live site.

2) Blog tab

If you have a Showit connected blog - this is where you would select your blog domain which ensures Showit & WordPress have the necessary connection to communicate. If you are having blog trouble and this setting is correct, check out these blog troubleshooting tips.

3) Third Party Tab

Here you connect your Google Analytics to track visitor data on your website.

4) Social Tab

Here you can set the URLs for any social links that you have set within your site.

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