You can add code quickly to multiple pages within your site by using Global Custom Code in your site settings.
Where to Add Global Custom Code
To add Global Code, open your Site Settings and go to the Integrations tab. There you have the option to + Add Custom Code.
Global Code Settings
Click + Add Custom Code and it will take you to the Global Code Settings.
1. Add Custom Code
1. Add Custom Code
Here you can add additional new Global Code. You can add as many groups of custom code as you like.
2. Name Your Custom Code
2. Name Your Custom Code
You can name your Global Code whatever you like. For example, if you are adding code for Pinterest, you can name your code "Pinterest."
4. Site Canvas Sets
4. Site Canvas Sets
Choose which Site Canvas Sets that you would like to add your Global Code to. Your Site Canvas Sets are what will determine which pages your code will be applied to.
5. Include With Design Export
5. Include With Design Export
Check this box if you would like to include your Global Code when you export your site design using a Share Key.
Note: Global Code is applied to your pages through Site Canvas Sets. If you do not have any Site Canvas Sets in your design, your Global Code will not work.