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Can I add Custom HTML Code Into My Site's Head Section?
Can I add Custom HTML Code Into My Site's Head Section?

Insert custom code into the <head> for Meta Pixel, Pinterest's Rich Pins, Online chat systems, third-party tracking services, and more

Kylen Downs avatar
Written by Kylen Downs
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Some third-party services require you to insert code into the <head> section of your site rather than embedding a widget or form directly into a canvas (see Embedding Widgets for more info.) Common examples for this include Meta Pixel (formerly Facebook Pixel), Pinterest's Rich Pins, Online chat systems, or third-party tracking services (Excluding Google Analytics which has a built-in option. See: Set Up Google Analytics).

Adding Head HTML to Multiple Pages

If you are needing to add Head HTML to several pages at once, you can do so easily by going to your Site Settings and clicking on the Integrations tab, and then choosing to + Add Custom Code.

By doing this, you will have the option to apply Head HTML to multiple pages at once through your Site Canvas Sets.

For more details on how to apply HTML to the head of multiple pages across your site, see this article:

Adding Head HTML to Individual Pages

You can also insert HTML code into individual pages within your Showit site. Inside of the Design App, select the name of the page that you would like to add head code to.

Note: You must select the page name, not the canvas name. See Page vs Canvas

Where to Insert Your Code

When you have your page name selected, in the right side Properties Panel you should see a tab for Advanced Settings. Select it and it will reveal a box for adding Custom Head HTML.

Clicking the box will pull up a pop-up window that will allow you to paste your code. Once you have pasted your HTML code, choose to Save.

Once you have pasted your head code and saved, make sure to publish your design so that this code will be active for your Showit site.

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