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Pin It Plugin With Custom Icon

Plugin for adding custom Pinterest icons on your blog post images

JT Pals avatar
Written by JT Pals
Updated over a week ago

The jQuery Pin It Button is a WordPress plugin that gives you the option to have custom Pinterest Pin It icons on the images within your blog posts. If you are interested in having a unique and custom Pin It button for your blog, this plugin is for you.

Note: This plugin is can only be installed and used by users with the Advanced Blog Subscription.

Adding jQuery Pin It Button

Click on Plugins in the left side panel within your WP admin and click Add New Plugin, then search "jQuery Pin It." Install and activate this plugin.

Set a Custom Pin It Button

To set a custom Pin It button with jQuery, first click on the Settings tab in the left side panel within WordPress. Then choose jQuery Pin It Button For Images Lite in the drop down below Settings. Finally select the Visual tab at the top of this page.

Scroll to the Pin Image section and set the Mode to Custom. Then click the button to Upload an Image using the media library.

Once you have selected your image for your custom Pin It button, scroll down and click the Save Changes button.

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