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WordPress Plugin Hub

A short list of useful plugins

Ben Junk avatar
Written by Ben Junk
Updated over a week ago

Here's a list of plugins that are compatible with Showit at the time we tested them and may be helpful for Advanced Blog plan users.

Basic Blog Subscription users will not be able to add additional custom WP plugins. For a list of plugins that are included with the Basic Blog Subscription, click here:

Common Plugins for the Advanced Blog

Adding plugins only available through the Advanced Blog Subscription

  • ConvertKit - Enables ConvertKit integration with lead capturing forms.

Great Plugin Options For...

  • Optimizing Blog Post SEO – The Yoast SEO plugin is ranked one of the top plugins for optimizing your blog posts for SEO. It is also able to generate a sitemap of your current blog posts.

  • Per-Page Redirects and 404 Redirects – The Redirection plugin allows you to setup individual page redirections and capture 404 errors to redirect them to an active page.

  • Image Optimization – Speed up your page loading by setting a maximum image size and let the WP Smush plugin handle resizing your blog images down for speedy loading.

  • Block Spam Comments – The Antispam Bee plugin does a great job of blocking spam comments without a captcha box bothering actual user.

  • Responsive Videos – The ARVE Advanced Responsive Video Embedder plugin (free version) will automatically resize Youtube/Vimeo videos that have been embedded by simply pasting the video URL in a blog post.

  • Author Box on Post – The Simple Author Box plugin will add a responsive author box at the end of your posts, showing the author name, author avatar and author description.

Note: Available plugins may change over time. Plugins are created by third-party developers.

Known Incompatible WordPress Plugins

For Advanced Blog plan users you may be wondering if _____ plugin will or will not work. Here's a good article addressing this:

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