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WordPress Plugin Compatibility

Is the _______ plugin compatible with Showit?

Kylen Downs avatar
Written by Kylen Downs
Updated over 5 months ago

With the tens of thousands of WordPress plugins available, it's safe to say many plugins are compatible with Showit. However, it's quite impossible to provide an exhaustive list of all compatible plugins because of how many there are.

Instead, we've collected a list of known plugins that are not being compatible with Showit as well as plugins banned by our WordPress hosting partners.

This list may not be fully comprehensive.

To reference the full list of plugins disallowed by our hosting partners see: Disallowed Plugins.

Note: Showit does not provide direct support for any third-party plugins. We are unable to provide specific compatibility testing on your behalf.

Feel free to try out plugins on your site and let us know if you discover any new compatibility issues so we can update this article.

If you have questions about a specific plugin that isn't listed here, there's a good chance it may not cause issues with Showit.

Incompatible Plugins

Gutenberg (plugin version, not the built-in) – A recent update to this plugin breaks the Showit homepage and displays your Post List template instead. Our team will be testing for future compatibility with this plugin but at this time we recommend disabling the Gutenberg plugin until a solution is available. This plugin is not necessary for WordPress's built-in version of the Gutenberg editor to function.

ShortPixel – Our team has identified some potential issues with how this plugin optimizes images which may result in media files being removed. This interaction appears to be unique to Showit WordPress hosting as media assets are not hosted locally with your WordPress files. ShortPixel requires media files to be located locally for the plugin to work. At this time we do not recommend the use of this plugin.

Elementor (and Elementor Pro) – Our team has identified some potential issues with how this plugin can override the core Showit theme and break aspects of your site from loading correctly. We have been unable to identify specific options or settings in the plugin that causes these issues and so we recommend disabling the plugin if you are experiencing issues.

All in One SEO Pack – Certain unidentified configurations of this plugin have resulted in randomized server errors that cause your whole site to go offline. Contact our team to assist with disabling this plugin if you notice any server errors when accessing your site. 

Recommended Alternative: Yoast SEO

WP Subtitle – This plugin is unable to render subtitles with the Showit theme. 

Recommended Alternative: Secondary Title

bbPress – Know to break the Showit Plugin and lockout WordPress/Blog access

No current alternative recommendation for forum compatibility with Showit due to the intensive functionality generated by these types of plugins.

WPS Hide Login – Blocks communication between the Showit builder and WordPress in order to publish design updates. 

 Any plugin or added functionality that alters the default WordPress login URL (i.e. domain/wp-admin to -> domain/new-login) is not compatible with Showit.

Most Related Posts Plugins – Due to the extreme processing demand they place on the servers, these plugins cause significant performance issues.

Please use JetPack Related Posts if you wish to display related posts at the end of each blog post. 

Health Check & Troubleshooting The functionality of this plugin is part of core WordPress. As such, it uses some of the same code which can cause PHP errors on Showit sites.

WordPress site health information can be found in all Showit WordPress sites under Tools > Site Health.


[UPDATED] WP Rocket (paid) – While boasting speed improvements for your site, this plugin has been identified to cause issues due to excessive caching of your site which can either break your Showit web pages and WordPress theme or have the opposite effect and slow down the performance of your site in certain situations.

We do not recommend caching plugins with Showit. Our hosting partners run custom caching at the server level and has also identified many caching plugins are not compatible with their system (reference: Disallowed Plugins).

*UPDATE as of 3/16/22*
We have noted a handful of sites being able to successfully install and use WP Rocket without issues. We would still strongly recommend limiting the extent of caching rules offered by this plugin as excess caching can still cause issues with content loading properly.

We do not have any specific recommendations for configuring the plugin, but if you do want to use WP Rocket and start noticing issues, we would suggest a temporary disabling of the plugin see identify if the issue may have been related to WP Rocket caching rules or features.

Updated: 03/16/2022

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