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Embed Not Sizing Correctly

How to manually resize an embed

Nicholas Sinden avatar
Written by Nicholas Sinden
Updated over 11 months ago

If you have added an Embed to your Showit site and it isn't looking quite how it's supposed to in preview, then you've likely seen something like this in the Design App:

And something like this in preview:

This can happen if your embed code specifies the width and height of the widget within the code itself.

Resize Your Embed

If your embed isn't sizing properly, you can manually resize it by making some simple adjustments to the embed code.

First, click on the embed that you are trying to resize. Then, in the right side Properties Panel under the Size & Position tab, take note of the Width and Height of your embed.

Then under the Embed Info tab, click on the Custom Code box to edit your code.

Note: Save your code before making changes to it, just in case there are any errors.

Within the code, look for indicators that say Width and Height and change these variables to match what you have set under the Size & Position tab. Make sure not to delete anything other than these numbers or your code will not function properly.

Your embed should then be the correct size in preview, and you can publish your design to see it live on your site!

If your widget is still being stretched in preview, make sure that there are no edge locking features applied to it.

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