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Blog Post Text Style Settings

More on how WP text style settings use your Showit design settings

Jeff Willems avatar
Written by Jeff Willems
Updated over 2 months ago

When creating a blog post in WordPress you can choose from several different text styles. These text styles align with the font styles you've set in your Showit design settings. Read below to find out more about the relationship between these settings.

WP Heading 1 --> Pulls font style for Title text in Showit.

WP Heading 2 --> Pulls font style for Heading text in Showit.

WP Heading 3 --> Pulls font style for Subheading text in Showit.

WP Paragraph --> Pulls font style for Paragraph text in Showit.

Heading 4, Heading 5, Heading 6, & Preformatted. Currently, these styles cannot be edited/adjusted in Showit or WordPress without the use of additional CSS code or a plugin (see Resources below). This is an advanced setup for which you would want to work with a Showit Design Partner unless you're familiar with CSS. Since this is an advanced setup, it may be beyond the scope of our customer support which is why consulting with a designer would be your best option.

⚠️ We cannot guarantee that any added pieces of code will work in every case inside of Showit.

More Resources

Easily Style your Blog Headings with the Showit Blog Stylist Plugin by Rise Plugins

  • The Showit Blog Stylist Plugin let’s you style the look of your Showit blog headers (H1-H6), paragraphs, blog quotes, comments, and more… without seeing any code.

  • **Requires a Showit Advanced Blog

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