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How to Change Your Blog Template

Swap your blog design templates with new ones

Jeff Willems avatar
Written by Jeff Willems
Updated over a week ago

If you would like to swap the design of your Blog (Post List) or Single Post template page to a new design that you have created or added, you can do so easily by following the steps below.

Prepare The New Template Page

First, you will want to ensure you have your new Blog or Single Post pages created and ready to go live. Once they are ready, there are a few settings that need to be changed in order to set the new template pages live.

In this example, the old blog page titled Blog and highlighted in blue on the left is the old design that we will swap out with the new Blog-1 page design. This will act as our new Blog (Post List) template page. To do so, select the old Blog page in the site tab.

Remove the Old Template

In the right side Properties Panel under Template Info tab, the WordPress Template is set to Post List (Default). Click the drop-down menu and select the blank space at the top of the menu above Post List (Default) and set it to nothing.

Next, you can delete your old Blog page. Alternatively, if you would like to save this old Blog design to ensure your new template is working properly, or for any other reason, you can instead rename the page to something like Old Blog. You can keep it just in case we want to revert back to it for any reason. In the meantime you can set this page to Not Publish to completely remove it from your live site.

Note: Changing the name of this page will break any existing links to this page. These links will remain broken until the new Blog template page is named Blog.

Rename the New Blog Page & Set the WordPress Template

Finally, after you have renamed the Old Blog page and removed the old WordPress Template, there are two remaining steps. First rename the new blog page as Blog so that it can connect properly with WordPress to pull in your blog content.

All that's left is to set the correct WordPress Template in the Template Info tab for the new page. This can be done by clicking on the new Blog page itself and choosing the Template Info tab in the right side Properties Panel. Set the WordPress Template to Post List (Default) for the main blog page. If you are creating a new Single Post design, set it to Single Post.

That's it! All that is left to do is publish and see your new blog template pages in action on your live site!

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