Note: These instructions are only for users who already have a Showit site live at their domain and simply wish to change the design.
To publish your Showit site for the first time, follow these instructions.
If you already have a live site and wish to change the design, the process is simple. No migrations or domain changes are necessary, you only need to adjust the Site Settings in your new design.
Publish a New Design with a Blog
First make sure you are in the new design that you would like to publish in place of your old design. Next head to the Site Tab in the left side Site Panel and choose Site Settings.
Next click the box next to Custom Domain where it reads Domain not set to set your domain in the new design.
Once you've completed the above steps you will need to click over to the Blog Tab found in your Site Settings.
In the Blog tab, choose your domain and save.
After this hit publish in the top right corner of the Design App, and just like that your new design is published and live at your domain!
Note: If you see the option to "Set Up Your Blog" here, you will need to first set up a blog before setting a design live.
Publish a New Design without a Blog
If you do not have a blog, publishing a new design is even easier. Make sure you are in the new design that you would like to publish in place of your old design. Next head to the Site Tab in the left side Site Panel and choose Site Settings.
Next click the box next to Custom Domain where it reads Domain not set to set your domain in the new design and save.
Once that has been set close the site settings menu and hit publish in the top right corner of the Design App and your new design will be published and can be found at your domain!