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How Do I Delete?

Delete elements, canvases, and pages from your Showit site

Jeff Willems avatar
Written by Jeff Willems
Updated over 7 months ago

If you haven't yet visited our training page we highly suggest starting there to build the foundational knowledge you need to launch the site of your dreams with Showit!

One of the fantastic things about Showit is the creative freedom you have to add or delete elements to make your site unique to you and your business. There are a few different ways to delete the building blocks of your site design depending on what it is you are trying to delete. Below you will find those solutions! 

Delete Elements

To delete text, images, icons, or simple shapes, simply click to select the element you want to delete on the canvas so the blue box is around it, then hit delete on your keyboard. This action an be undone by using the undo button if you have deleted something by accident. 

Delete a Canvas

To delete a canvas, simply select the canvas you want to delete and then click the three dots to the right of that canvas layer to select the delete option. This type of deletion can also be reverted using the undo button.

Delete a Page

To delete an entire page, which is a function that cannot be undone and will display an additional dialogue box to confirm you do indeed want to follow through with the action, here is how you would do so. Go to the site tab, then down to the page you wish to delete. Click the page and use the three dots next to the page layer to choose delete. 

You will be presented with the following dialogue box to confirm or cancel your request

Choose delete if you are sure you want to delete the selected page, remember, this cannot be undone.

Delete a Site Design

If you would like to delete old site design that you no longer wish to use, you can do so by clicking on your name in the left side of the Bottom Toolbar of the Design App and choosing the option that says View My Site Designs.

Once you have done this, simply click on a design that you no longer wish to have in your library and choose Delete.

Note: You cannot delete the site design you are currently in. You must first open another site design, then you will be able to delete that site design.

A message prompt will appear asking if you are sure that you want to delete this site design. This cannot be undone. If you have any questions, contact the Showit Support Team!

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