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Indexing Help

A handful of steps you can take to help fix indexing issues you may have

Brendan Brunelle avatar
Written by Brendan Brunelle
Updated over 9 months ago

Indexing for your site can be a big deal! It is a great sign to see if Google is able to find your pages and display them online. If you are having some issues with the indexing of your site, there are a handful of steps you can take to help fix this.

Test Your Site with site:search

It's best to check if your site is coming up on Google or not in the first place. Below is an article that walks through how to perform this site search test to see if your site is showing up or not:

There are two ways the search could have gone. If you were able to see your site coming up in search results then the good news is your site is being indexed! The next step would be to keep up with your SEO to raise your overall ranking. Some tips on how to go about that can be found here.

If no results were found for your site then your site isn't currently being indexed by Google. To fix that, you'll want to submit a sitemap to Google Search Console.

Submit a Sitemap

First, go through each page of your Showit design and check the right panel under Advanced Settings to make sure that most pages have the "Ask Google To Ignore This Page" selection set. If all pages have it selected, then there will be nothing to index.

Next, if you have a blog, first make sure you have the Yoast SEO plugin. This comes pre-installed for Showit users with a Basic Blog Subscripiton.

Go in to your WordPress admin and click on Yoast SEO in the left panel > Settings and then under Content Types, be sure that "Show Posts in search results" is turned on for both your Posts and your Pages.



If you don't currently have a search console property set up, please follow these instructions. Then, you can submit the sitemap by submitting each link of your sitemaps to the search console. To find those, follow these instructions.

To submit those links to the search console, go to your property in Search Console, click on Sitemaps in the left panel, add in each sitemap link and hit submit.

For example, where it says Enter sitemap URL, enter siteinfo.xml, and click submit.

If it shows that it was successfully submitted, that is great!

Note: If it doesn't show a Success message, feel free to contact our support team and ask "Can I add someone to my search console to take a look at my sitemaps? It looks like there are some errors." One of our tier 2 Support Pros will get back to you with instructions on how to add them!

Now that those were successfully submitted, we recommend giving Google some time to go through and crawl your site. In the meantime, you could work on making sure that your site is being optimized through the built-in tools within the editor.

If you are looking for some expert SEO advice, check out Showit's blog where you can find a wealth of information on SEO.

You can also check out our Facebook User Group to ask for the best service recommendations in that regard!

Page Not Indexed Error

You might see a "Not Indexed" error for URLs that don't perfectly match your actual page URLs. If this is the case, it is not an issue; It is good that Google is not indexing these incorrect URLs.

For example, you might see the www version of the URL or a version with an ending slash / but the actual live URL on your site doesn't include those characters. You may also see that a page is not indexed if the URL is using http instead of https. Typically those differences will appear when you switch platforms (to Showit) or change URL permalink settings in WordPress.

Note: You can copy the URL for one of your live pages from the browser bar and paste in the search bar in Google Search Console to verify if this page is being indexed properly.

Take a closer look at each of the listed URLs that aren't indexed and compare them to the live page version. If you do find a not indexed error on a URL that you are sure perfectly matches the live version then the next best step would be to connect with our team and provide screenshots of those specific cases.

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