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Google Says "This site may be hacked"

How to have Google re-scan your site to remove the old warning message

Christian Peterson avatar
Written by Christian Peterson
Updated over 11 months ago

If your blog is currently hacked, check out this article below for solutions.

Unfortunately, if you have recently had your WordPress Blog hacked, Google has probably found out about it and has labeled your site in their search results.

If you do see the following results on your site, don't worry! The steps for clearing the issue are fairly simple.

How to Remove Google's Warning From Your Site

Head over to to read the section labeled REMOVE THIS MESSAGE FROM YOUR SITE.

Google may ask you to verify the ownership of your domain. We found that the best way to verify is using the Alternative Methods option and verify via adding a domain DNS record.

If you need help with the verification of your domain, feel free to reach out to our Support Pros for further assistance.

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