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Older and Newer Post Links (Pagination)

Add older and newer posts links and troubleshooting for when they aren't showing up

Jeff Willems avatar
Written by Jeff Willems
Updated over 11 months ago

Most Showit templates will come with the older and newer post links already built into the blog template pages, but if they get removed and you need to add them back you can do so by following these directions!

Add Older and Newer Buttons to Your Blog Template

To add a new pagination canvas to your Blog page, click on the three dots to the right of your page's name. Then from the drop down, choose Add From Library.

  1. Locate the template you're using or use any of the free templates available in the Showit Library

  2. Choose the desired template and then click on the Blog page.

  3. Next, click on the canvas titled either Older / Newer or Pagination.

  4. Click Add.

5. The canvas will automatically add to the bottom of the page, so you'll want to click and drag the canvas to the place you'd like it to live on the page.

Setting WordPress Placeholders

Depending on which page you are adding a pagination canvas to, the WordPress Placeholders may need to be set differently.

On the Blog Page (Post List)

Lastly, if on the main Blog page template (Post List) be sure to set the "Newer Posts Link" and "Older Posts Link" placeholders on the pagination buttons.

On the Single Post Page

If on the Single Post template page (Single Post) set the "Next Single Post Link" and "Previous Single Post Link" placeholders on the pagination buttons.

Locate Missing Pagination on Your Live Site

So you're seeing the older and newer post links in Showit, but they aren't showing up on the live site. Have no fear! 99% of the time the pagination is not showing on the live site yet because you do not have enough posts to load another page of posts, which is when these buttons are needed.

The default number of posts set to load per page is 10. The older and newer post buttons will not load on the site until there are at least 11 blog posts published. If you would like to change the number of posts that load per page, you can set this in Wordpress under Settings > Reading.

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