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Design Market Submission Details
Design Market Submission Details

Details for the settings related to a design submission

JT Pals avatar
Written by JT Pals
Updated over 11 months ago

Design Partners Only

IMPORTANT: Do not have more than one tab to the design market open during a submission. It can cause the submission to incorrectly submit.

Details to Know & Prepare for Submission

  • Design Title: Keep it short and sweet. No need to include your business name here. 

  • Upload full length screenshots (see Preparing Screenshots, *MUST be web optimized) for desktop and mobile views.

  • Include a site description that highlights the style of your design and any unique features. Good examples on: Gimlet & Cambria

  • Industry: Choose the appropriate industry this design is for. Your demo photos and content should match this industry in the design.

  • Design Type:
    Site Design – Full site design including blog templates)
    Page Design - A single page design exported on it's own, intended to be added to a current site.
    Canvas Design - A single canvas intended to be added to a current site.
    +Site Design –Designed as mini site to be used under a subdomain, may not include blog templates

  • Opt-in to Store Sales: Choose to participate in our storewide sales to help generate additional sales. A calendar of our sale schedule will be posted on the Designer Dashboard

  • Design Key: Learn how to generate a share key

  • Site Design URL: The published vanity link for your design should look like this, including the https://. (ie.

  • Licensed Fonts: You can include links to any licensed fonts that your customer may need to purchase for use on their own computer.  All custom font files are automatically included with the shared design and should be licensed for distribution in this manner.

  • Purchase Notes: This message is included in the emailed receipt the user receives after their purchase. If you wish to include additional resources you can include links to files or pages in this section.

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