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Unsupported Services

The following services and apps do not work or have restrictions on Showit's network

Jason Lackey avatar
Written by Jason Lackey
Updated over 11 months ago

Showit websites work well with lots and lots of third-party services for everything from contact forms to WordPress e-commerce solutions. There are, however, some services that are not compatible or are restricted on Showit.


BlogStomp is legacy (and now unsupported) software by Stomp Software which has now been replaced by their new platform, Storytailor. If you're still trying to use BlogStomp, please consider Storytailor as your future path forward. Learn more.

Semrush, Ahrefs, DotBot and MJ12Bot Limitations

These services are only restricted on our Basic Starter Blog hosting.

These are all SEO services that offer lots of stats for dialing in your own search engine optimization. Unfortunately, their systems have proved to be extremely taxing on our own servers, so for the sake of keeping all the sites on our servers fast and accessible, we have chosen to block these web crawlers and therefore are not compatible with Showit websites.

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