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How to Optimize Blog Images

Make sure your photos are sized best for your blog

JT Pals avatar
Written by JT Pals
Updated over 11 months ago

Images you upload to your blog are managed by WordPress instead of the Showit application. Here are some tips for optimizing your blog images to ensure you don't hit any data storage caps.

By default, your blog will store the original size image that you upload. This can be a problem if you're uploading 5-15mb files. You'll quickly hit your blog storage limit if you're uploading original size images.

Optimize Your Images

A. Resize Before Upload - (preferred)

It's best to batch resize your photos before uploading to your blog. This will ensure that you know exactly how much storage your photos are taking and it will speed up your upload process.

  • Use Lightroom or Photoshop to batch resize

  • Suggested Size - 2400px (height & width)

  • Suggested Quality: Photoshop (7) or Lightroom (70)

B. Use a WordPress Plugin - (Requires Advanced Blog subscription)

If you would rather automatically have your photos resized on upload, you can install the Smush Image Compression & Optimization plugin. 

Adjust the plugin settings to resize full-size images and strip image metadata. Click on Smush in the left side panel, then select the Bulk Smush settings. Scroll down and make sure that Strip my image metadata is turned on and turn on Image Resizing. Suggested image resize is 2400px.

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