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Creating Custom URL Links

Create URL links that will take a user directly to a specific section (page, canvas, canvas view) of your site

Josh Ahles avatar
Written by Josh Ahles
Updated over 11 months ago

Rather than sending someone just to your domain, you might need to send out a link that goes directly to a specific place on your site. An example of this may be if you are wanting to track the submission of a lead capture or some other type of contact form. 

Showit URL Link Structure

The structure that Showit uses for the URLs is as follows:

You can create links to be as simple or as specific as you'd like using this format.

Link To Your Site

If you would like to create a link to your site, all you have to do is type out your domain name after the https:// and you're good to go!


Create a Link to a Page

If you would like to link to a specific page within your site, you will need to add a forward slash followed by the page slug after your domain.


A URL that links directly to a specific page will look something like this:

Create a Link to a Canvas

Linking to a canvas within a page in your site follows a similar format. To link to a canvas you would need to add a hashtag (pound symbol) followed by the canvas slug after your domain and page slug.


A URL that links directly to a canvas within a page will look something like this. Be sure to add the page slug and canvas slug.

Create a Link to a Canvas View

You can create a link to a specific canvas view within your Showit site by adding a decimal followed by the number associated with the canvas view.

Note: The number associated with the canvas view is always one less that the view number itself. The first canvas view is 0, the second view is 1, etc.


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