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Add a Photo

Replace your default design content with your own personal photos

Jeff Willems avatar
Written by Jeff Willems
Updated over 11 months ago

Adding images to your site is super easy in Showit! Just be sure you have first uploaded images to your media library, then double-click any photo in the design you wish to replace and your media library will pop up. Choose the image you wish to replace the stock image with and add it to the page.

Note: This process is for adding a single photo to a canvas or page. Learn how to add images to a gallery.

Add a New Photo

Click the media library icon located in the bottom middle section of the Showit builder, it's the icon on the right in the row of three.

Once inside the media gallery, click to select the photo you wish to add, then click the Add to Page button.

Then you are all set, resize and position your image exactly where you'd like it to be and you've done it!

If you haven't visited our learning hub we highly suggest starting there to build the foundational knowledge you need to launch the site of your dreams with Showit!

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