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Template Sharing Tips and FAQs

For Designers: Learn the ins/outs about sharing design templates.

JT Pals avatar
Written by JT Pals
Updated over 10 months ago

When distributing a template design it's important to know how media and updates are handled across accounts.

To learn how to share a design go to: Distribute a Design

Template Share Keys

How is a Share Key Used to Distribute Designs?

Showit allows the generation of a unique Share Key that's associated with a snapshot of a design at the specific time the key is generated. You can use this key to distribute the design to your clients. Most designer deliver the Share Key within an instructional PDF on purchase.

Does Showit Offer One-Time Use Keys?

At this time we do not offer a one-time use key generation.

What Happens When I Update a Current Share Key?

When you update a current share key, it will take a snapshot of the design as it currently is and update the key to be associated with that latest snapshot.
Anybody who has previously installed this share key in their account will see the updated site available under My Library when they create a new site or add a page/canvas, but it will NOT UPDATE a site previously created from that shared design.

💡TIP: It's safe to update a design's share key whenever you want to fix a bug in the design or implement a new feature. This will give your new users immediate access to the update when they first start their site.
⚠️ If you plan to do a complete overhaul of the design, you might want to consider generating a new Share Key after the update, or duplicate the entire site before making changes.

Does Showit provide a history or tracking for how Share Keys are used across accounts?

At this time we do not offer any history or tracking for share keys.

Shared Template Media

All media (images, graphics, fonts) used within a shared design will be distributed within that design. When the design is shared, our servers copy all of the current media files used within the design and store them as a shared resource for that shared design (that specific share key).

Can Media be Downloaded in a Shared Design?

Media used within the shared design (images, graphics, fonts) will be visible within the design, but will not populate the end user's Media library. The files are not freely downloadable within Showit.

If I Delete a Shared Design from My Own Account What Will Happen?

The shared design and it's shared media will continue to load for the end-user. Deleting media or the design within your account will not affect a Shared design installed on another user's account.

⚠️ WARNING...keep in mind that if you use your version as an example site (for previewing the template) any changes WILL affect your version published within your account.

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