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Not Seeing Changes in Preview or After Publishing Your Site?
Not Seeing Changes in Preview or After Publishing Your Site?

When to clear your cache if you can't see recent edits on your live site

Jason Lackey avatar
Written by Jason Lackey
Updated over a week ago

Sometimes changes published to a website don’t show up immediately. Our caching servers can take 5 - 10 minutes to update. If you're still not seeing updates after that time there are a handful of things that you can check to make sure there are no publishing issues listed below.

This article will explain:

  • Where to check for publishing errors

  • How to check if your browser might be cached

  • How to clear your browser cache in Google and Safari

  • How to clear your WordPress cache (Advanced Subscription)

Check Site Settings Blog Tab

If your published changes are not showing up, first check the site settings in the design app and check if your domain is set under the blog tab. If the domain is not set, set the domain and publish. If the domain is set there or setting the domain did not help the changes show, move onto the next step.

Check For Publishing Error

If you have published and you're seeing the ⚠️ Blog design did not publish message, there are errors preventing your site from publishing.

If you are seeing this message and you're not sure why or how to fix it, go to this article here:

Quick Test for Caching Issue

If you aren't seeing updates on your live site and you think that your site might be cached in your browser, you can test it yourself by viewing your live site in an incognito window.

Clear Browser Cache

You may want to try clearing your browser cache in order to force your published changes to show. Below you will find the steps necessary for clearing out your browser's cache on Google Chrome and Safari for the desktop. To find out how to clear your mobile device's browser cache, click here.

Google Chrome (Desktop)

  1. From the “Menu” button in the upper-right corner of the Chrome window, choose “More Tools” > “Clear Browsing Data…“

  2. On the window that pops up, click the “Clear Browsing Data” button

Safari (Desktop)

  1. From your browser window, choose the "Safari" option in the top left of your display.

  2. In the drop down that appears, choose "Settings..."

3. In the new window, choose the "Privacy" setting at the top, then choose "Manage Website Data..."

4. From this new window you will be able to choose the "Remove All" option to clear your browser cache.

Flush WordPress Cache (Advanced Blog only)

If you have a Showit blog, flushing your WordPress cache will generally help changes show up right away. To do this:

Note: A manual flush of the WordPress cache is only available to Advanced Blog users. Users on a Basic Blog level may need to wait 24 hours for updates to existing pages to appear.

In the left sidebar of WordPress click on the WP Engine menu and navigate to the Caching tab

Once on the Caching tab settings click the Clear All Caches button as seen here. 

Clear Browser Cache (Mobile Device)

If you would like to clear your mobile device's browser cache, you can find out how in this article below.

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