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Links & Click Actions

Set up links and click actions on your Showit site

Jason Lackey avatar
Written by Jason Lackey
Updated over 11 months ago

All elements in a canvas can be made clickable or turned into buttons with a variety of link types to choose from, as well as additional actions to control canvases and galleries. (video timestamps for each click action type found below)

Types of Click Actions


Choose a page from your site to link to. (1:00)


Choose a canvas on your page to scroll to. If you’d like to define a specific canvas View to display within that canvas, choose that from the canvas view dropdown. (1:20)


Insert a web address to link to. Be sure to include http:// at the beginning of the URL. For example, is incorrect, is correct.
(best practice would be to copy the URL from a browser tab to ensure proper format) (4:33)

Share to Social:

Choose a social media channel to share the page to. (3:37)


Enter an email address to send an email to. (3:06)


Enter a mobile phone number to send a text message to. Be sure to enter the country code and area code, omitting any dashes and spaces. For example, a valid phone number in the US would look like 14803861337. This is most relevant to mobile design, as it will (in most cases) open the mobile user’s text messaging app with the number pre-filled. (2:39)

WordPress Post:

Note: This type of click action is only available in Blog Templates.

Applies the appropriate direct into the full WordPress blog post or page.

Setting Up Click Actions

To set up a click action, determine the target page and/or canvas you want the element to link to. 

Setting up Click Actions to Canvases on the Same Page:

If the canvas you want to link to is located on the same page as the linking element, set up the click action to  Link > Canvas > "canvas name" 

Setting up Click Actions to Canvases on Different Pages:

If the canvas you want to link to is located on a different page as the linking element, set up the click action to  Link > Page > Canvas > "canvas slug"  *canvas slugs are all lowercase and do not contain spaces. Read more here

Setting up Click Actions with Site Canvases:

Because Site Canvases are not inherently attached to a specific page, they need to be set up as if you are targeting a canvas on a different page as long as the target canvas is not a Site Canvas-  Link > Page > Canvas > "canvas slug." However, if you are targeting a site canvas you can set up the click action as Link > Canvas > "canvas name."

Add Action

Add an additional action to control a canvas or gallery on the page. These actions are used to reveal hidden canvases, hide visible canvases, or control gallery navigation(6:20)

Show Canvas:

This action type will cause the chosen hidden canvas to appear.

Hide Canvas:

This action type will cause the chosen visible canvas to disappear.


Controls the navigation of a Gallery on the page with previous/next options.

Inline Link Formatting in Blog Posts

If you have inline links within your blog posts that you have created in WordPress, you can change the formatting of the links inside the Showit Design App. Check out this article here for more information.

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